Social media campaign for Reef Gurus
Reef Gurus
2720 Wade Hampton Blvd Suite C Greenville, SC 29615
(864) 283-6067
The goal of this project was to contact a local business and build a social media campaign to help grow their social media presents. This project included six social media posts and a video introduction to the business. Research on the target audience involved an interview with the owner of Reef Gurus and asking direct question to get an understanding of the customers. This allowed the group to gain insight and a feel for the best approach to the posts and video.
Posts #1, #2, #3 - Instagram
The “TOP5” Instagram posts are designed to create interest in saltwater aquariums and raise confidence in customers thinking about starting a saltwater tank. The three “TOP5” posts addressed Mistakes, Fish, and Coral. These posts are designed to grab attention, educate and encourage the customer.
Posts #4, #5, #6 - Instagram / facebook
Saltwater tanks can be confusing at times. Allow us to help you by contacting or stop by our store if you have any questions.
#reefgurus#gurugang #reeftank #reeftanks #saltwater #fishtank #fishtanklife #aquarium #reefgurus #clownfish
Reef Gurus is transitioning to having all fish quarantined before sold. We want to ensure our fish are healthy before sold and help you create a lasting saltwater ecosystem in your home.
#reefgurus#gurugang #reeftank #reeftanks #saltwater #fishtank #fishtanklife #aquarium #reefgurus #clownfish #quarantine
Many people don’t know there are different colors and patterns of clownfish. They are a great fish to start with and will last a long time.
#reeftank #reeftanks #saltwater #fishtank #fishtanklife #aquarium #reefgurus #clownfish
YouTube video for Reef Gurus
The video is an introduction to Reef Gurus. The owner shares his story and describes the many aspects of saltwater aquariums and the products available in the store. But most importantly it creates a personal connection for the viewer by allowing the owner to communicate his passion for the reefing hobby.