Diamond T Promotional Gear

Diamond T Promotional Gear is a screen printing shop that also offers embroidery, signage, and vehicle wrap services. When I first joined the company, my role focused on creating screen printing graphics. After a year, I advanced to designing vinyl graphics, including vehicle wraps. Currently, my primary responsibilities involve designing vehicle graphics and overseeing print production operations.

Vinyl graphics

Designing graphics for surfaces like vehicles, walls, and window decals involves unique challenges and considerations. Vehicle graphics can vary in complexity due to factors such as size, ergonomics, and surface condition. Most of our vehicle design projects are for companies and police departments, which often require customized and professional designs. In contrast, walls and window decals typically involve different processes. While measuring and planning for these surfaces can sometimes be simpler, the scale of the projects can make the layout process time-consuming and detailed.


Once the measurements are taken, they are inputed into a print design application called Flex. This app streamlines the printing process by handling elements like cutlines and print layouts. Next, I’ll create shapes corresponding to the measurements, which will serve as canvases for the design. If the design becomes more complex, I’ll switch to Adobe Illustrator for greater precision and then convert the final design into a Flex-compatible file.

The next step is to create a design that aligns with the customer's vision. This will be accomplished by sending proofs for their review to gauge their preferences. Once a design is selected, I will prepare the artwork for print. For vehicle designs, this sometimes requires creating cut files for logos or adding bleed to the overlapping areas where two designs will meet.

Example of how I named sections to assist in identifying the design layout.

Example of layout for car door panels shown in different colors. This helps identify the sections when printing and for arrangement in order to save material.

Example of a cut that has been incorporated into the design. a light green line has been utilized to emphasize the designated area.

Vinyl Artwork

Screen printing graphics

Designing graphics for screen printing requires specialized tools and techniques. The complexity of the design depends on the number of colors the customer desires, as each color adds a layer to the process. Once the design is finalized, you'll need to separate the colors in Photoshop, placing each on its own layer. Next, each layer is printed black onto transparent sheets, which will serve as the stencil for creating the screen printing screens. This meticulous process ensures that each color is accurately represented in the final print.

Screen printing Art